How to Create WordPress Blog – Free Digital Marketing Tutorials.
Lesson 7
Hey guys, Today i will be helping your Blog or Website for your product or your company! It could be in any issue.
Like it will be hardware and networking. It could be Software Development. or Create Info about travel tips, Gitar, Food, anything. You can start with anything. What makes you happy!
This post is really exciting and honestly the most important lesson. of this entire Tutorials. In the last lesson, we give you an overview of why starting a blog!
Journey to becoming a Good Digital Marketer!
Is one of the most important steps to journey to becoming a good digital marketer. In my own journey of 12+ Years of Web Development and Digital Marketing.
I have never learned a trade, just by reading about it. By watching a video about it.
Unless and until I have practiced it, I am not able to learn the skills. Even today a new tool comes up.
Wherever a new technique of doing digital marketing comes up. I always make sure to do it by hand. So implement it in your Blog or in your site.
Digital Marketing is not something that is learned just by looking at the theory or watching video, unless you implement it in the teactice, you want to be able to.
When you build a blog or site, First you need to buy a Domain name. You need to know the domain name. What is the Domain name. Domain name is your website name.

What is the Domain Name ?
Domain name is the address for your website or your blog. So internet / online users can access your websites.
Domain name is the address for your website or your blog. So internet / online users can access your websites.Like a case of facebook. Now is the domain name for the company of facebook. Simillery is the domain name for the company of google.
I know it’s very simple. But I still explain, who doesn’t know. Now there is a multiple extension for domain name. The popular is .com.
Look,,, etc. .com is situated more for an international audience. But when you are targeting a local client, specific country.
Like if he takes the case of india. If you target only indian audience, Then instead of going .com. You can choose .in for your person blog or your company website.
Because we set the primary audience for our business. And then according to plan we can set domain extension.

Free Digital Marketing Tutorials: So keep Reading next lesson. (8th lesson) or you want to go lesson number 1 again – then click here.